So I did this last year, and I really liked it. I think it is good for self reflection, and an interesting way to document part of my life, which is the point of a Blog after all.
What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
Looked for a house, Started Grad School, Sold things that I have made, Participated in a Farmers Market (Ogden), Participated in a boutique show, Read 100 books, said yes to way way too much.
Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I think I am a nicer person which was a goal from last year. I decided that I’m always going to be too busy, too stressed, too crazy, but I don’t have to act like it. Making people feel good is important. I’m not perfect but I have improved significantly.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nope, weird
Did anyone close to you die?
Nope, it was a blessed year.
What countries did you visit?
Nope, it was a downsizing year. Big plans for 2012 I hope!
What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
A house, were so close but I hate to jinx it. An administrative position!
What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory?
Nothing stands out here. Maybe the feeling of selling my work, that was a pretty cool high.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Being busy! I work two jobs, attend grad school, started selling stuff that I make, and did a lot of little extras.
What was your biggest failure?
Probably taking on too much, I need to learn how to say NO! Or, probably “No thanks.”
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nope, lucky again.
What was the best thing you bought?
The snuggy Todd gave me that came with a book light. New boots maybe. Or didn’t buy would be a ton of books because I rediscovered the library WHOOOOO!
Whose behavior merited celebration?
Emily puts up with a lot living with me. Her husband Aaron, who I respect more every day I live with them. Todd, always, makes be better being married to him.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
I get frustrated when Todd struggles in school be he rallied this last semester and impressed me. There is always work drama. Teaching me to leave work drama at work.
Where did most of your money go?
Todd’s school, My school, More Craft Supplies, Gas, Eating out. We saved up for a house though!
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
We are so close to getting a house! We have been this close before though so I’m trying not to get too excited.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? The same
b) thinner or fatter? The same, perhaps just a little thinner.
c) richer or poorer? Richer, Todd took a new job that has be looking up and worried about school
What do you wish you'd done more of?
Nothing, I wish I had done less, I was crazy busy this year. Once again Im looking for balance and trying to simplify!
What do you wish you'd done less of?
TV probably, doing too much.
What was your favorite TV program?
Still Project Runway, but contenders include Dexter, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Weeds, The Big C. I have cut down a bit.
What was the best book you read?
Where to start, see previous post I guess.
What did you want and get?
To sell my stuff at a craft fair, a few actually.
What did you want and not get?
Last years list : A house, A masters degree, a baby.
Were close on the house, I’m half way through the master’s Degree, and the baby won’t happen this year unless we are taken by surprise. I would like to add a job as a principal.
What was your favorite film of this year?
Didn’t see a ton. Maybe Zombieland.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Turned 30 OUCH! Went out with Todd, low key kind of thing.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Todd getting through school, still, always. Finishing my masters, buying a house, getting a promotion.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? I bought a knit dress or two and some legginings. Still wishing I were more put together here.
What kept you sane?
Creating things, sewing, sleeping late, reading
New nick names?
Todd as a library of thousands, I get a new nick name about every week. Nugget of Love however made the banned list.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
That I need to learn to say no. That balance is an ongoing process not a destination.