
Books I Read in 2011, most of them

Paper Towns - Sold - One Fifth - Alas, Babylon - What My Mother Doesn't Know - The First Part Last - The penny Pinchers Club - Winter girls - Incarceron - Pearl of China - The Witch Doctor's Wife - F in Exams - No Fear Romeo and Juliet - The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid - At Home - The Tender Bar - Notes from a Small Island - A walk in the Woods - Kiki Strike - Critical Conversations - Gathering Blue - The Death and Life of the American School System - Eat, Pray, Love - Fables Book 4- March of the Wooden Soldiers - Smoken' Seventeen - Fables Book 3 - If I Stay - Fables Book 3 - The Time Travelers Wife - Fables Book 2 - The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb - Fables Book 1 - My Sister's Keeper - Wicked Girls - Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 4 - Juliet, Naked - Making Mischief: A Maurice Sendak Appreciation - The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party - The Happiness Project - Chains (second Reading) - Heist Society - Fully Present - The Handmades Tale - Lady Susan - War Dances - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - Love, Stargirl - Theodore Boone Kid Detective - Pieces of Georgia - Sway: The Pull of Irrational Behavior - Life on the Refrigerator Door- Mindsight - The Chocolate War - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 4 - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 3 - All Around the Town - The Joy Luck Club - Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café - Chains - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants II - Freak the Mighty - Cutting for Stone - The Imperfectionists - A Short History of Nearly Everything (p. 624) - No Easy Answers: Short Stories About Teenagers Making Tough Choices (p.336) - Black Dagger Brotherhood book 3 (p.464) - The Crispin: Cross of Lead (p. 320) - Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1 (p. 760) - Does this Book Make Me Look Fat?: Stories about loving- and loathing- your body (p. 208) - The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (p.352) - Things I Have to Tell You: poems and writing by teenage girls (p.80) - 101 Things I learned in Fashion School (p. 212) - 145th street (p. 151) - Living Dead Girl (p. 176) - Bob Dylan's Chronicals Vol. 1 (p. 320) - Kira Kira (p. 272) - Johnny Trimain (p. 336) - "No Fear" Othello (p. 320) - Vocabulary Building Card Games (p. 80) - The Compound ( p. 272) - The Girl who Played with Fire (p. 630) - The Perks of Being a Wallflower (p. 213) - Pigboy (p. 101) - Monster (p. 281) - Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents (p. 256) - Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation (p. 304) - What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (p. 448) - Dutch (p. 256) - Fire Eaters (p. 224) - Howl and Other Poems (p. 57) - Apartment Therapy Presents: Real Homes, Real People, Hundreds of Design Solutions (p. 264) - Sizzling Sixteen (Stephanie Plum) (p. 320) - The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (p. 301) - Just Kids (p. 320) - Outliers: The Story of Success (p. 309) - I hope they Serve Beer in Hell (p. 336) - Water for Elephants (p. 464)

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